The Strokes kesahnya dalam lagu The Adults Are Talking

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lagu The Adults Are Talking
New Abnormal

About the song [ The Adults Are Talking ]

mtalkblog --- The Adults Are Talking adalah lagu pertama di album The Strokes tahun 2020 'The New Abnormal.' Lagu pembuka dari album ini mengikuti tema yang sama di antara lagu-lagu lain dari album tersebut – menantang 'pria-pria' yang berkuasa di masyarakat . Band ini meminta pendengar untuk tidak menjadi bagian dari kelas masyarakat (society) ini. 

Baja JugaCara Buat Gambar Ilustrasi Menarik Untuk Cover Album Musik

‘The New Abnormal’ merupakan album studio keenam The Strokes yang dirilis pada 10 April 2020. Album tersebut berisi single seperti “At the Door” dan “Bad Decisions.” Album ini mengikuti tema yang menyoroti isu-isu kontemporer masyarakat modern. 

Dalam lirik "The Adults Are Talking," The Strokes mencoba menguraikan perbedaan antara 'kelas atas' dan 'orang biasa' dalam masyarakat. 'The Adults', dalam judul lagunya, dapat dipercaya sebagai para petinggi di masyarakat yang menganggap diri mereka sebagai kelas yang lebih penting dalam masyarakat.

Sama seperti 'orang dewasa' yang berbicara tentang 'anak-anak' di sebuah rumah, para petinggi ini menguasai 'umum'. Dan itu telah menjadi norma!

Lagu juga bisa diartikan sebagai perbedaan antara politisi dan masyarakat umum.

Lirik Lagu lagu The Adults Are Talking

They’ve been sayin, you’re sophisticated

They’re complaining - over-educated

You are saying all the words I’m dreaming

Say it after me

Say it after me

They will blame us, crucify, and shame us 

We can’t help it if we are a problem 

We are trying hard to get your attention

Climbing up your wall.

Climbing up your wall.

Don’t go there cause you’ll never return

I know you think of me when you think of her 

But then it don’t make sense 

when you’re trying hard to do the right thing

But without recompense

 And then you did something wrong and they said it was great 

 And now you don’t know how you could ever complain

Because you’re all confused cause you want me to

 But then you want me to do it the same as you

You were waiting for the elevator

You were saying all the words I’m dreaming 

No more asking, questions or excuses

Information’s here, here and everywhere

Don’t go there cause you’ll never return

I know you think of me when you think of her

But then it don’t make sense 

when your trying hard to do the right thing

But without recompense

 And then you did something wrong and they said it was great 

 And now you don’t know how you could ever complain

Because you’re all confused cause you want me to

 But then you want me to do….it the same way as you

But I don’t, I don’t want anything 

I know it’s not, it’s not your fault

I don’t want anyone

As I do in life for you


Same shit different life

I‘ll get it right some time

Maybe not tonight

Galih Enggar

I am a Graphic Designer, SEO Writer, and Video Creator with a background in computer technology and communications. I have been involved in various projects encompassing graphic design, SEO writing, and social media management, including content planning, creation of design and video content, and social media advertising.
I am passionate about technology, including computers, networks, social media, vehicles, artificial intelligence, and productivity. I currently reside in Depok, West Java, Indonesia, and work as a content writer. Blogger facebook-f twitter linkedin instagram youtube email

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